Dianna arrived first. Some things never change. She knew Tammy would be last. But really, what was taking June? She primly carried her purse to the front of the restaurant where a queue had formed. The woman over by the coat check looked a bit like June. But it couldn’t be. That woman had grey hair and varicose veins. That woman was old . It had been 30 years since she’d seen her friends, 40 years since they graduated high school. Tammy and June married the boys they dated then. Their lives revolved around children and church. They’d found each other on Facebook and arranged to meet for lunch, an arrangement Dianna regretted now. What did they have in common these days? The woman with the varicose veins turned. It was June. No question about it. Even with the grey, she’d kept her Farrah Fawcett hairstyle. “Dee-Dee!” June cried. “Ju-ju Bean!” Dianna replied automatically. Forty years fell away as June leapt from the line and enveloped Dianna in a hug...
Memories, short stories and random word challenges.