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Showing posts from April, 2022

Post Cards

  Post card # 1 Idyllic beach at sunset Dear Florence Picked this card up years ago in Aruba, back in days of travel and cursive writing. I’ve decided to return to those days. Not the travel but handwritten, thoughtful discourse. I’ve tried email, but my laptop is far too slow to keep up with my brain and I, apparently, am too slow to keep up with stupid updates, the last one included switching the locations of the ‘reply’ and ‘reply all’ options, with catastrophic results. Now everyone subscribing to the Button Collection News knows that I am unhappy with the latest edition. 247 of them emailed me personally to let me know that they are unhappy with me, not the least of which because …   Postcard #2 A cat with a smug expression   Dear Florence Well not enough space here to explain my problem with the Button Collection News nor its rude readers. I suppose it also explains why I never got the hang of tweeting or twatting or whatever it is that Bryson uses. He...