Annabelle had so much fun, running into the water and then racing from the waves, screaming with delight. She’d been worried when Mommy told her she’d “get” to play with her cousin Mikey, like that was a good thing. Mikey picked his nose. But he’d been ok today. They were building a sandcastle together when the commotion started. Screaming… Uncle Frankie waving his arms... Auntie Diane crying, yanking Mikey by the arm... Mommy and her stupid, ugly boyfriend running funny into the water, lifting their knees up high like the exercise she hated in gym class. Strangers gathered. She heard words like row gawave and undertoes . If you could row in the ocean, Annabelle wondered, why didn’t someone row out to save Uncle Frankie? Undertoes – now that made a bit more sense. There is nothing under your toes and Mommy said that’s what happened to her Daddy. He turned into nothing. That’s why she called the undertaker. Grandma said Daddy was sleeping. Then, she said he was in a ...
Memories, short stories and random word challenges.