Shane had that peculiar expression again. He managed to make is eyes grow wider while, at the same, time knitting his brows closer together. Something bothered him. “What’s up, little man?” “Daddy, what’s heaven? Reverend Lorne says that Grampa is looking ‘down on me’ from heaven – as if its above the sky. But at school we are learning about planets. Mrs. Parke says what’s above the sky is outer space.” I wiped my hands on my jeans. The dishes were half done, but they’d keep. My seven-year-old son was upset, and I would do everything I could to make it right. “C’mon, let’s sit down,” I said, giving myself more time to think. How to approach this subject? Shane was a whiz at math. I’d tackle this geometrically. We nestled on the couch, Shane in my lap. His expression had morphed from confusion to expectancy. This child thought I had all the answers. I prayed he would keep on thinking that until we were both old and gray. “See that toy car...
Memories, short stories and random word challenges.